Welcome Alumni! And soon-to-be Alumni! Heading link
While this page is developing, please take a moment to browse thru what we have to offer! We have a little bit for everyone.
Looking to give back to UIC and want to connect with students? Check out our volunteer options.
LAS Pre-Health is proud to assist UIC alumni who received their undergraduate degree (BA or BS) from any College at UIC. We welcome you to take advantage of our pre-health advising services.
And we’re excited to share profiles (in the not too distant future) of UIC alumni who are currently working as a practitioner or in a health related field!
Still working towards your pre-health goal? Heading link

Are you still working towards your pre-health professional goal? Did you receive your BA or BS from any college at UIC? Feeling like you need help on specific pieces of your application or wanting to talk through different health professions pathways? We can help!
- Sign up to join our mailing list for alumni who want to remain connected to LAS Pre-Health Advising after graduation. We’ll keep in touch about virtual events, hints and tips about application timing and processes, and opportunities to engage.
- Alumni are welcome to make an appointment with a Pre-Health Advisor.
- We have webinars on a variety of topics that alumni are welcome to watch. Please reach out to LASprehealth@uic.edu to request access to specific webinars.
- For alumni who are working on their application, submit your Personal Statement for review.
- Or go through our Credential Letter process for even more tailored help. But plan ahead! This starts a year before you plan to submit your application.
- Once you receive an invitation to interview at a professional program, you can schedule a Mock Interview.
The average age of students attending health professions programs continues to rise. And we know that many students find applying to health professions programs after they graduate from UIC to be to their advantage. Think of the academic and professional growth opportunities! Not to mention the time to study for standardized exams. Stay connected with LAS Pre-Health Advising after you graduate!
Sign up! Join the LAS Pre-Health Alumni Email List
Join us! Alumni Volunteer/Participation Interest Form
Alumni Volunteers Heading link
Are you interested in giving back to UIC by sharing your story or mentoring UIC undergraduates? LAS Pre-Health regularly invites alumni to participate in our events and engage with UIC students! Sign up to participate in our Alumni Participation Interest Form. Here are just a few ways:
- Careers in Health Event (formerly Health Professions Forum): Each Fall, we host an in-person roundtable/networking event featuring alumni who work in health related fields. This includes alumni who work for pharmaceutical companies, in medical lab science, hospital administration, public health, nursing, epidemiology, health technology, and so many more fields.
- Health Practitioner Panel: Each Spring, we invite alumni who are currently working as health practitioners in a range of fields to join us in an online panel. Previous alumni have worked as optometrists, family care physicians, occupational therapists, Physician Assistants, oncological pharmacists, clinical research nurses, and physical therapists.
- Grow Your Gap Year: This Fall in person event where alumni who took one or more gap years before beginning their health professions program serve on a panel and help participating students think through their interests in a gap year in small group discussions.
- “Call Me Doctor” Webinar Series: These online webinars invite alumni health practitioners to share their experiences through a conversation with Pre-Health Advisors and Q&A with students.
- LAS Career Development Coffee Chats: LAS Pre-Health Advising works closely with LAS Career Development and offers the opportunity for alumni who are employed in health related fields to connect with students in online ‘Coffee Chats’.
- Join UIC Connected, hosted by the UIC Alumni Association, to connect directly with UIC students and other alumni for networking and mentorship opportunities.
- Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date! Students are always excited to find you on LinkedIn to connect for a conversation.
Alumni Profiles Heading link
Interested in being profiled as a UIC alum in a health professions field? We’d love to hear from you!
Please submit the Alumni Volunteer/Participation Interest Form and we’ll be in touch with you from there.
Appointments Heading link

Pre-Health Advising is pleased to be able to offer appointments for alumni who received their undergraduate degree (BA or BS) from UIC.
If you wish to make an appointment with a pre-health advisor, please email LASprehealth@uic.edu. Include your full name (during your time as a student, if different), your UIN, and days/times that work best for an appointment. Appointments are available in person when classes are in session or by Zoom. Please note that earliest available appointments may be two weeks out.
Alumni who have been offered an interview at a health professions program may request to schedule a mock interview.