Blackboard – Pre-Health Page

LAS Pre-Health Advising maintains an internal Blackboard page for Pre-Health students at UIC. Students must have a declared educational goal in order to be added to the Blackboard page.
Resources Available in Blackboard Heading link
The Pre-Health Advising Blackboard page (UIC Pre-Health) is a resource to help you access on-demand resources and information. You will find announcements, handouts, and information on enrichment opportunities such as volunteering, research, or summer programs.
Pre-Health Advising regularly updates the Blackboard page with announcements throughout the week. Included may be medical or professional school fairs, events or presentations on campus or in Chicago, job or volunteer opportunities, classes of interest to pre-health students, or announcements from student organizations. You never know what you will find, so check in regularly to find out!
Weekly Email
All students who are enrolled in the Blackboard page will receive a weekly email during the academic year containing announcements and other information from Pre-Health Advising. Past announcements can be found in the announcements section of the Blackboard page.
The Pre-Health Advising Blackboard is organized by educational goal (pre-medicine, pre-dental, pre-nursing, etc.). Within each educational goal you will find handouts such as pre-requisite course handouts with application timelines and admission statistics (for those health fields where data is available).
Educational Goals
If you want to learn more about a topic or field of interest, but aren’t sure what to look for, the Pre-Health Blackboard page has information organized by educational goal. Within each educational goal listing, you will find a range of information on the field as well as resources to help you as an undergraduate at UIC.
Information on health professions that do not have a related educational goal at UIC may be found under the Other Health Careers folder.
Enrichment Opportunities
Pre-Health Advising maintains a folder specifically on Enrichment Opportunities for students. You will find opportunities grouped into folders based on topic area such as volunteering, research, summer programs, study abroad, clinical related opportunities and more.