Credential Letters
LAS Pre-Health Advising does not write committee or composite letters of recommendation for students or alumni applying to medical school. Nor do we compile letters of recommendation on behalf of a student. However, we recognize that UIC students and alumni have many facets of their experiences to share with health professions programs. The Credential Letter is offered by LAS Pre-Health Advising as one way provide that information.
With the changes in admissions policies and practices following the Supreme Court Decisions in the Harvard and UNC v Fair Practice in Admissions cases, the UIC Credential Letter can be an important component in your application to selective graduate health professions programs. The Credential Letter allows LAS Pre-Health Advising to highlight aspects of your lived experiences, academic work, and extracurricular, work, and/or volunteer experiences that you feel is important and valuable to your application. The Credential Letter does NOT replace traditional academic or experiential letters of recommendation required by health professions programs. You will still need to submit at least one to two letters of recommendation from faculty/teaching assistants who can speak to your experiences in the classroom. Many health professions programs also recommend or require letters of recommendation from a practitioner in the field you are interested in applying to. More information on letters of recommendation can be found in our Letters of Recommendation webinar series (required viewing to receive a Credential Letter) or you are welcome to bring up this topic in one of the required appointments with a Pre-Health Advisor.
A Credential Letter is available for any UIC undergraduate or alumni planning to apply to a graduate health profession program in the upcoming cycle.
Purpose Heading link

The purpose of the Credential Letter is two-fold. It is meant to serve as an incentive for students to engage with Pre-Health Advising at UIC in order to improve preparedness for the application. It is also to provide context for a candidate’s application for admission to a health profession program when possible.
The Credential Letter is not intended to replace faculty or practioner letters of recommendation, nor is it intended to serve as a committee letter. It does not necessarily indicate advisor endorsement of the applicant.
A sample of the Credential Letter is available for students who wish to review what the document will look like.

Credential Letter Informational Webinar Heading link
Missed the Credential Letter Information Session and want to hear more about it? Watch the Credential Letter Informational Webinar!
Requirements for candidates and participation Heading link
In order to receive a Credential Letter, students must meet all requirements and deadlines.
Required to Participate
- Be a UIC undergraduate or alum (received a BA/BS from any college at UIC).
- Be planning to apply in the upcoming cycle.
- Submit the electronic Credential Letter Interest Form indicating your interest.
- Read and (as necessary) respond to all emails from pre-health advisors regarding the Credential Letter.
- Follow all requirements of candidates as detailed in that tab.
Required of Candidates
- Meet with a pre-health advisor at least twice in the year before applying (for example, Summer 2024 to Summer 2025).
- Watch Parts 1-3 of the Letters of Recommendation webinar series offered by Pre-Health Advising.
- Complete the Are You Career Ready self-evaluation created by LAS Career Development and based upon the 8 key career competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
- Submit the “Background Information Form” and a resume.
- Meet all deadlines during the process.
- Apply to health profession program(s) in the time frame agreed upon in meeting with a pre-health advisor.
- Release application to advisors for purpose of receiving help as needed and following of final application outcome.
Previous Credential Letter Recipients
Individuals who completed the Credential Letter process in a previous cycle but who decided to wait to apply are welcome to participate again. You will be asked to complete the following:
- Submit the electronic Credential Letter Interest Form indicating your interest.
- Meet with a pre-health advisor at least once in the calendar year in which you plan to apply (for example, January to May 2025). Virtual appointments are available. A fall appointment is also strongly encouraged to discuss what you have been up to since your last pre-health advising appointment.
- Submit or update your Are You Career Ready self-evaluation created by LAS Career Development and based upon the 8 key career competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
- Submit the “Background Information Form” and a resume.
- Meet all deadlines during the process.
- Apply to health profession program(s) in the time frame agreed upon in meeting with a pre-health advisor.
- Release application to advisors for purpose of receiving help as needed and following of final application outcome.
Individuals who started the Credential Letter process in a previous cycle but did not complete it will need to complete all steps listed in the “Required of Candidates” tab.