Overseas Medical Schools
This webinar covers the topic of Overseas Medical Schools. We view this as a good starting off point! Learn about the range of Overseas Medical Schools out there (hint - there are options all over the world). We also talk about who might be a good fit academically, the types of questions that you should ask while researching schools, as well as structure and application timing - as well as other topics. Pre-Health Advising encourages students and alumni to make an appointment with a pre-health advisor after watching the webinar to discuss your specific needs and interests. A PDF handout out with some possible school options and suggested questions to keep in mind while talking with overseas medical schools is attached in the webinar for download.

Overseas Medical Schools Heading link
Topics include who might be a good fit academically, the types of questions that you should ask while researching schools, financial considerations, as well as structure and application timing and more!